Monday, June 9, 2014

5 Beauty Bloggers Indonesia, version

Hello beauties,

I am so excited about this

So, when my friend was searching upon my blog she said my blog was featured as one of 5 Beauty Blogger Indonesia via, I couldn't believe I was on the list along with Lizzie Parra, Hanna Aninditha and Agnes Oryza who are already very famous in beauty blogging world, and I'm just a newbie or anak bawang in beauty blogging world, the other one was my friend Roma Lawrence.

Whoever you are behind that article, I love you! I feel so happy that I am appreciated, and I hope I can improve myself and always learn to be a better beauty blogger :D

Click here to see the original article. is a unique online shop, or probably an online shop that sells unique stuffs, just go to their page to find out more (cause I also don't know about this online shop until they featured me on their article). I promise I am not related by anything with and I also don't know how could they picked me as one of the five beauty bloggers, but I'm very very thankful and happy about this.

PS: maaf agak norak maklum anak baru hihihi

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