
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Beauty Blogger Meet Up Event 

Hello my lovely readers, do you remember my post about how and why I want to be a beauty blogger? Here is the link to remind you

That post was made in order to join the pre event writing competition before the actual BBMeetUp, and Alhamdulillah on September 27 the event was successfully being held, thanks to Ci Nellin from, Kak Tia from, and Ci Meilani from

The event was held at Nanny's Pavilion Central Park, it was the first time I went to Central Park btw. The registration started at 10.30am and the event begin at around 11am.

During the event, they were having instagram and Twitter quiz using particular hashtags, and I kept on making live tweets (on the spot event report) in order to join that, and I have them chirpified for you here, I think you'll find my live tweets to be more informative and specific since it was made right on the spot. So, make sure to check it out kheyy :D

The first to give presentation was V10plus Indonesia, we were given the water based peeling to try, and it works like magic in eliminating dead skin. And I won the best tweet/insta at this part hihi Alhamdulillah 

See how it works on my hand

Next up is Make Over, Ka Endi Feng did a 10 minutes fabulous make up on Kak Hani, there were a lot of tips make sure you check it out on my chirpified tweets.

Thank you for the goodies Make Over

Next one is ZAP, check out my ZAP experience

Goodies from ZAP

Lunch time, I chose Salmon Baked Rice

Next, Presentation from Sally Hansen, I thought Sally Hansen only produce Nail polishes turns out they many kind of products 

Goodies from Sally Hansen

Eye liner demo from Carryna Pratiwi, beauty blogger, with Silky Girl products. For more tips and tricks from Nona Carryn at the event please find it in my tweets hihi

Goodies from Silky Girl

Goodies from Ayou Beauty, feel like heaven, thank you so much. Ayou Beauty representatives didn't come but we had a photo contest with the goodies.

Presentation from Kawaii Beauty Japan

Best Dress winners 

Ci Mei and Ci Nellin sharing about being a good beauty blogger, what I remembered were first we have to learn how to take good images and invest in good camera, and second be consistent with our blog, keep our blog posted and updated.

When we are about to go home, there was another goodies which is these beautiful home made bin natural products from The Soap Corner by Moporie, aaa thank you so much for such a generous goodie bags, I have tried some and really love it. Wait for the review yap.

With Clozette Indonesia Ambassadors (pict courtesy of

Group Photo with all the beauty bloggers (pict courtesy of

I have no regret attending this event, not only I got a huge number of goody bags and new friends I also get more tips to be a better blogger from them who are much more experienced than me. I used to not really paying attention to the quality of my blog, I just write, but since the event I have been paying more attention to my blog and the result is I have seen that my page views is increasing, I have doubled up or even multiplied my monthly page views since I attended the BBMeetUp.

I hope there will be BBMeetUp part 2 and so on, involving more participants and more goody bags *LOL* and maybe booked the entire hall or restaurant so we can use sound system, because one of the problem of this BBMeetUp (probably the only problem) was we could barely hear the speakers. Other than that were great. 

I heard the three musketeers (Ci Mei, Ci Nellin and Kak Tia) are looking for two more bloggers to help them arranging next BBMeetUp, if I am not currently working on my thesis I would love to join for sure.

Thank God for this fabulous event, looking forward to attend the next BBMeetUp!

Please wait for my review of the products I got from this event yaw 

See you soon :D


  1. Ohh a Peeling product with a water-based formula would be wonderful for those who have sensitive skin but would like to exfoliate! ^ ^

    1. yupp and it is also made of natural ingredients so it would be suitable for every skin type. thank you for stopping by :)
