
Friday, April 3, 2015

Nano Philosophy Nano Cocktail Treatment

Hello, Beauties, when I attended BBmeetUp 2 a while a go, I attended Nano Philosophy talk show, and from the goodie bag, I got this nano cocktail voucher, and I want to share my mom's experience trying the nano cocktail treatment.

So first thing first, what is nano cocktail?

The treatment consists of two steps the first one is the ozone therapy and the second one is the nano cocktail itself.

The ozone machine

The ozone is transfered through oxygen and NaCl, it uses intravena methode, so all the goods really go into our body, because if we take it from the outside like using cream, only around 20% of the products really penetrates to our skin.

After the ozone therapy, the nurse injected the nano cocktail which turns the NaCl to pink.

The whole process took around 15-20 minutes to complete. This treatment is suggested for older people because ot has anti aging and to tired people because it helps to ease tiredness, and can get you refreshed. My mom said that she feels refreshed after the treatment.

This treatment is pretty expensive, and probably not made for someone younger like students because it cost around Rp 3.8 mio. This treatment will suitable more for busy working women, who didn't get plenty of rest and more prone to stress. This could be an instant relieve.

For more info please visit

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