
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kiehl's Acne Blemish Control Daily Skin-Clearing Treatment

Hello beauties, minal aidin wal faidzin mohon maaf lahir dan batin, selamat hari raya idul fitri 1435 H :D

I'm back with a review about Kiel's product that according to the BA is meant to banish acne scaring, I got the sample the other day and tried it and love it!

I applied it onto my post acne marks or acne scar and within a week I can already see the result

My acne scars before treatment

Within one week of usage

I didn't apply it everyday because it's really drying, and my skin around the scars got hurt because of the dryness, so I skipped some days before applying it again, and lesson learned, before I used my fingers to apply the products, later I used cotton swab to give it more precise application so I won't hurt the surrounding skin. I am happy with the result.

That's why I decided to purchase the full size product kkk

I haven't used the real size but I hope it will work as great as the sample


  1. It works like magic!! Ini lebih ke normalin jerawatnya atau lebih ke acne scarring ya sayy??


    1. Ini lebih ke bekas jerawatnya sih, buat ngeredain jerawatnya aku pake obat lain pas udah kempes baru pake ini

  2. putt ini dipakenya siang apa malem? terus kalo misal malemnya udah pake obat dokter masih bisa pake nggak sih?

    1. Gw pake pagi malem sih, gw pake ini paling terakhir dari rangkaian skin care klo obat dokternya ga ada yg khusus buat ngilangin bekas jerawat kayaknya gapapa sih nuk, tp coba aja tanya

  3. okee, makasih banyak puttt :D

  4. Replies
    1. di counter Kiehl's ada di Dept store seperti sogo atau metro

  5. Halooo beli yang sample sizenya di metro juga kaah? Thankyouu!

    1. Kalo aku waktu itu dapet sebagai gift with purchase, tapi sepertinya ada olshop yg jual sample Kiehl's ^^

  6. sample dan full size nya memang beda judul product ya? sample nya ada "acne" sedangkan full sizenya cuma blemish control? aku mau beli online nih soalnya. itu memang wajar kah beda nama?

    1. walah aku malah baru sadar lho, tapi harusnya sih sample sama full size sama ya...

  7. Thank you for such a nice article. I will link back from
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  8. menarik nih. mau coba liat-liat ah pas main ke Kiehls hehehehe
